Preserve Your Natural Beauty with a Facelift

You can’t stop the aging process, no matter how much you want to. But that doesn’t mean you have to let aging ruin the natural beauty of your face. The facelift procedure may not be able to prevent you from aging, but it can help you maintain your youthful beauty for much longer.
For most people, the results of a facelift will last for around 10 years. Your results can be prolonged by maintaining an excellent skin care routine, which will help to keep your skin nourished, hydrated, and strong. During this time, wrinkles and lines may still form on the face, but they will have a much softer appearance.
If you want to preserve your natural beauty for as long as possible, contact our office to schedule a consultation with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marcos Ikeda. He can provide you with long-lasting results that look quite natural.